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  • Writer's pictureGo2Granada

Updated: Mar 9, 2021

La Sagrada Família is a monumental church in the center of Barcelona in the Eixample district. Over the years, the Sagrada Família has become one of the most famous symbols of the city and the country. Antoni Gaudí's masterpiece is visited by millions of people every year and many of them also study architectural and religious content. The temple of the Sagrada Familia, whose construction began in 1882, was always built with donations. Construction is still ongoing and can be completed with calculations in 2026.

The Sagrada Familia (in Catalonia) or the Sagrada Familia (in Spanish), in the Basilica i Temple Expiatori of the Sagrada Familia is a Basilica of Barcelona, ​​Spain, designed by Antoni Gaudí. The name means Basilica and Feta Temple of the Holy Family.

Since the first stone was laid in 1882, the church was built almost continuously. Only in the Spanish Civil War was the construction stopped for a few years. The current official delivery date is 2026. The project management insists that the building could be completed "somewhere in the first third of the 21st century". The speed with which the construction progresses depends largely on the donations that visitors bring. The construction lasts so long that the finished parts must be renewed. It was not uncommon to build churches of this size. Although the church is not yet finished, on 7 November 2010 it was consecrated by Pope Benedict XVI. Consecrated to the basilica.

Next to this basilica, the architect Gaudí designed several other characteristic buildings in Barcelona, ​​including Casa Batlló and Park Güell. Gaudí was part of Catalan modernism, a movement in art whose basilica is the most important symbol. This Catalan modernism is closely related to Art Nouveau and should not be confused with modernity.

The full name is also called Basílica i Expiatori Temple of the Sagrada Familia. The construction of this church began already in 1882, so some finished parts must be renewed! During the Spanish Civil War, the building remained silent for a while. The planned year for the completion of the church is 2026. Whether this is feasible or not depends on the amount of donations that visitors bring. The Sagrada Familia is also called the "Church of Reconciliation" and can only be paid with donations. In the 1980s the church entrance fee was increased, so that the additional money could also be spent on the building. Partial construction is now much faster because it attracts many people. Although the church is not yet finished, it was already November 7, 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI.

It all started with a bookseller, Josep Maria Bocabella. In 1866 he founded the Spiritual Association of the followers of St. Joseph. He did it because he protected the Catholic faith and St. Joseph. After many donations, he bought a plot of 12,800 square meters. Francisco de Paula del Villar offered to make plans for this church for free. In 1882, the construction of the church, which del Villar had conceived, but soon del Villar and his client discussed, made the transfer to Villar. In 1885 Gaudí received the mission and soon abandoned his ideas about the church.

The most famous cathedral in Europe is the Sagrada Familia and it is also the most famous and last work of Antoni Gaudi. This cathedral is located in the Spanish city of Barcelona.

Barcelona Cathedral is decorated with symbols inspired by nature. In 1883, a year after the construction of a church in this place, Gaudí was commissioned to complete it. It changed everything in the design drawings. He became his life's work and lived for 16 years as a hermit on the construction site. After passing under a tram and dying, they buried him in a tomb under the Sagrada Familia.

At his death, only one tower of the facade was finished. The work continued for a while during the Spanish Civil War, but after this war they began to rebuild and it took a long time for the Sagrada Familia to be completed. Normally, the cathedral should be finished in 2026, but since the work took so long, some parts have to be renewed. That's why many people think that the cathedral will never be completely finished. The cathedral is therefore also called "the structure that will never be completed". The construction work lasts so long that Gaudí has ​​added many small details to the work.

Sagrada Familia of Barcelona

De Sagrada Família is a monumental church in the center of Barcelona, ​​in the Wiix Eixample. Door de jaren heen de Sagrada Família has become one of the most iconic symbols of the city.

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  • Writer's pictureGo2Granada

Updated: Nov 2, 2022

Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. It is known for its artistic heritage, a widely ramified system of temples, and narrow, gable-fronted houses dating back to the city's so-called Golden Age of the 17th century. The museum district houses the Van Gogh Museum, the Rijksmuseum with works by Rembrandt and Vermeer, and the Stedelijk Museum of Modern Art. Cycling is part of the city culture, so that the cityscape is characterized by numerous bike paths. The Van Gogh Museum is an art museum on Museumplein in Amsterdam's Oud-Zuid district, Amsterdam-Zuid. It houses the largest collection of works by the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh. Since 1 May 2013, the museum is accessible again after reconstruction and a temporary move to another building. In 2016, the house had 2,076,526 visitors, making it one of the most visited art museums in the world. The Rijksmuseum Amsterdam is a Dutch national museum on Museumplein in the Amsterdam district of Oud-Zuid in the Amsterdam-Zuid district. The museum that is not in Reykjavik Iceland is dedicated to the arts, crafts and history. It houses a large collection of paintings from the Golden Age of the Netherlands and a comprehensive collection of Asian art objects and artifacts on Dutch history. The museum displays about 8,000 exhibits and has been declared a Rijksmonument. It has about 2.2 million visitors a year. It was reopened on April 13, 2013 after completion of renovations

Amsterdam est la capitale des Pays-Bas. Elle est connue pour son patrimoine artistique, son réseau de temples largement ramifié et ses maisons étroites à pignon datant du soi-disant âge d'or du XVIIe siècle. Le quartier des musées abrite le musée Van Gogh, le Rijksmuseum avec des œuvres de Rembrandt et Vermeer et le musée d'art moderne Stedelijk. Le cyclisme fait partie de la culture de la ville, de sorte que le paysage urbain se caractérise par de nombreuses pistes cyclables. Le Van Gogh Museum est un musée d'art situé dans la Museumplein, dans le quartier d'Amsterdam Oud-Zuid, à Ticketshop Amsterdam. Il abrite la plus grande collection d'œuvres du peintre néerlandais Vincent van Gogh. Depuis le 1er mai 2013, le musée est à nouveau accessible après reconstruction et déménagement temporaire dans un autre bâtiment. En 2016, la maison a accueilli 2 076 526 visiteurs, ce qui en fait l'un des musées d'art les plus visités au monde. Le Rijksmuseum Amsterdam est un musée national néerlandais situé au Museumplein, dans le quartier d'Amsterdam Oud-Zuid, dans le quartier d'Amsterdam-Zuid. Le musée est dédié aux arts, à l'artisanat et à l'histoire. Il abrite une vaste collection de peintures de l'âge d'or des Pays-Bas et une vaste collection d'objets d'art asiatique et d'artefacts de l'histoire néerlandaise. Le musée présente environ 8 000 objets exposés et a été déclaré Rijksmonument. Il compte environ 2,2 millions de visiteurs par an. Il a été rouvert le 13 avril 2013 après la fin des travaux de rénovation.

Amsterdam è la capitale dei Paesi Bassi. È noto per il suo patrimonio artistico, per un sistema di templi ampiamente ramificato e per le sue case strette e dal frontone che risalgono alla cosiddetta Età dell'Oro del XVII secolo. Il quartiere dei musei ospita il Van Gogh Museum, il Rijksmuseum con opere di Rembrandt e Vermeer e il Stedelijk Museum of Modern Art. Il ciclismo è parte della cultura della città, quindi il paesaggio urbano è caratterizzato da numerose piste ciclabili. Il Van Gogh Museum è un museo d'arte in Museumplein nel quartiere di Amsterdam Oud-Zuid, Amsterdam-Zuid. Ospita la più grande collezione di opere del pittore olandese Vincent van Gogh. Dal 1 ° maggio 2013, il museo è nuovamente accessibile dopo la ricostruzione e uno spostamento temporaneo in un altro edificio. Nel 2016, la casa ha avuto 2.076.526 visitatori, rendendolo uno dei musei d'arte più visitati al mondo. Il Rijksmuseum di Amsterdam è un museo nazionale olandese su Museumplein nel distretto di Amsterdam di Oud-Zuid nel distretto di Amsterdam-Zuid. Il museo è dedicato alle arti, ai mestieri e alla storia. Ospita una vasta collezione di dipinti dell'età d'oro dei Paesi Bassi e una collezione completa di oggetti d'arte e manufatti asiatici sulla storia olandese. Il museo espone circa 8.000 oggetti ed è stato dichiarato Rijksmonument. Ha circa 2,2 milioni di visitatori all'anno. È stato riaperto il 13 aprile 2013 dopo il completamento dei lavori di ristrutturazione

  • Writer's pictureGo2Granada

Updated: Sep 23, 2022

De Franse hoofdstad Parijs is een van Europa's belangrijkste steden en een van 's werelds toonaangevende centra voor kunst, mode, gastronomie en cultuur. Het stadsbeeld wordt gekenmerkt door de architectuur van de 19e eeuw, evenals door brede boulevards en de Seine. Behalve bezienswaardigheden in Parijs als de Eiffeltoren en de 12e-eeuwse gotische kathedraal Notre-Dame, staat Parijs ook bekend om zijn cafécultuur en boetieks in de Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré.

De Eiffeltoren is een 324 meter hoge ijzeren spantoren in Parijs. Het bevindt zich in het 7e arrondissement aan de noordwestkant van de Champ de Mars, in de buurt van de oevers van de Seine. Het gebouw werd gebouwd van 1887 tot 1889 en werd een monumentaal toegangsportaal en een uitkijktoren voor de Wereldtentoonstelling ter nagedachtenis van het 100-jarig jubileum. Zelf bekijk in liever Athene, met de Akropolis van Athene als voorbeeld.

Het Louvre is een kunstmuseum in Parijs. Het bevindt zich in de voormalige residentie van de Franse koningen, het Palais du Louvre. Met zo'n 10 miljoen bezoekers in 2012 is het museum het meest bezochte en qua tentoonstellingsruimte het op twee na grootste museum ter wereld.

Frankrijk in het westen van Europa is een land met middeleeuwse steden, bergdorpjes en mediterrane stranden. De hoofdstad Parijs wordt beschouwd als een top mode- en cultureel centrum. Naast klassieke kunstmusea zoals het Louvre, zijn er ook bezienswaardigheden zoals de Eiffeltoren. Het land staat ook bekend om zijn wijnen en verfijnde keuken. Oude schilderijen in de grot van Lascaux getuigen van de rijke Franse geschiedenis, evenals het Romeinse theater in Lyon of het prachtige paleis van Versailles.

Naples (italien : Napoli ; napolitain : Napule) est une Naples ville portuaire, la troisième plus grande ville d'Italie et la plus grande du Mezzogiorno (sud de l'Italie). Naples est également la capitale de la région de Campanie (Campanie) et de la ville métropolitaine de Naples. La commune comptait 937 848 habitants au 31 juillet 2021. L'agglomération napolitaine compte environ 4,4 millions d'habitants.

Naples a une histoire, un art et une culture riches, une gastronomie de renommée mondiale et son propre dialecte, le napolitain. Ce dialecte est si différent de l'italien que, selon certains linguistes, il pourrait plus justement être qualifié de langue à part entière (similaire à la position du catalan, par exemple, en Espagne).

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